

An Individual session with Expert Trainer, Jeff Sidwell, will provide the true care you need to reach your goals. So often, fitness is a ‘cookie cutter’ business. Trainers providing the same service to each client, regardless of their history, current condition, and goals. Jeff uses his expertise in Biomechanics, Neuromuscular Training, (p)Rehab, and Advanced Personal Training to help you discover the path that’s best for you. “60 minutes of undivided attention with Jeff, equals 5 sessions with a standard trainer” according to his clients

  • Assessment (if needed)

  • Bodywork/Breath work

  • Corrective Exercise/(p)rehab

  • Best Practices in Personal Training


Jeff Sidwell has incredible success in getting his clients Pain-Free and Fit in three months. He’ll use every trick, tool, and fitness secret to get you confident in how you look and feel! This investment leads you down the path you’ve been looking for in your health and fitness efforts.

  • Customized Programming for every day of the week

  • Consults/Diagnostics with Leading Experts in Sleep, Chiropractic, Dentistry, and more

  • (20) sessions 1:1 with Jeff Sidwell

  • Class IV Laser Treatments as needed


Well let’s talk about the elephant in the room, this is a financial commitment! But imagine this, at the end of 1 year with your Personalized Trainer, you’ll be 100% confident in your next 20 years. Your posture is upright, naturally, instead of hunched over. And if you do the few easy exercises you learned, your posture will stay that way. You won’t ever fear becoming the hunched over elderly person we, sadly, see often.

Breath, and hydration, are the fundamental keys to life. With Jeff and his Team of experts’ approach, you will have corrected any Airway Breathing issues you have (hint, most of us have some level of obstruction), and will be sleeping better and more energized throughout the day! With this critical piece in place, your metabolism can operate as it should (burn the bad stuff!) as your body will no longer be in Fight or Flight.

Your Pain is Long gone. Whatever you came in with, isn’t even in the rear view mirror any more. And if “Life Happens”, as Jeff says, and you do get an ache or pain, your trainer will be able to resolve it quickly.

Muscle = Metabolism. With a year of Advanced Personal Training (doesn’t mean squats and bench press…let’s be better than that :)), you’ll FEEL your body operating at 100%, and intuitively KNOW you’re strong, capable, and not going to accidentally gain weight like you have in the past. You’ll be so in tune with your body, it’ll be invigorating to walk out your front door and know you can do anything you want.

In all, you’ll be:

  • Pain-Free

  • As Fit as you want to be

  • Perfect Posture—and it will feel easy, natural, and preferred

  • Energized thanks to deeper sleep and better breathing

  • Healthier! (ahem, less sick). Upright posture and deep breathing move your immune system in the best way!

  • More confident, better complexion/color in your face, toned arms and legs, and more!

To good to be true? Nope. Just ask Andrew who lost 102lbs in 1 year and goes on Epic Adventures now that he’s Pain-Free and Fit!